Edinburghshire [Midlothian]-Edinburgh-1891
Map Date:
Repository reference:
BLML Maps 19.e.16
Historic county:
Edinburghshire [Midlothian]
Town name:
Edinburgh, Leith
Map type:
General Purpose
Extent of cover:
whole built-up area
National grid reference:
Exeter coverage diagram reference:
NT 2770
Map title:
[Cover, also map margins:] 'Bartholomew's Large Plan of Edinburgh & Leith', [title-page:] 'Plan of the City of Edinburgh with Leith and suburbs scale
Comments on map:
Standard marginalia includes 'Index to Sheets of complete Plan' and 'Index shewing Sheets of Ordnance 5 feet scale contained in this sheet': six of these to each Bartholomew sheet. (The marginalia for the bottom row, sheets 10-12, are placed on the inside, so that they will disappear on mounting.) Bottom right on sheet 12 is a list of 'Ecclesiastical, Parliamentary, and Municipal Divisions of Edinburgh and Leith'. ('It's our finest engraved town plan': John Bartholomew to Richard Oliver, in National Library of Scotland, 29:6:04: the only instance in this project where we have received a testimonial direct from a representative of the makers.)
John Bartholomew & Co., The Edinburgh Geographical Institute [author, pr, pb].
Production mode:
Dimensions [in centimetres]:
45.7 x 45.7 [x 8], 56.0 x 45.7 [within neat lines: west row are wider: maximim dimensions with marginalia 49.3 x 50.0 or 59.0 x 50.7: about 154 x 187 when mounted as one; also letterpress title, with index on verso].
Number of parts:
altitude information
Buildings, water, land-use: Grey stipple building infill; open spaces light green.
Road names:
Building names:
shown, public buildings emphasised, steps to buildings: Public building interiors usually given, but whether internal divisions (and stairs) is shown presumably depends largely on whether these were available from the Ordnance Survey 1:1056: 'appropriations' are not usually given.
shown, basins/docks
Water transport infrastructure:
docks, harbours, navigation aids, piers, boat houses, misc: Bonded Warehouses, Engine Ho., Steam Crane, 15 and 50 Ton cranes, Cattle Sheds, [Humane Society's Boathouse, Boat House].
Sanitary and utility information:
fire stations, gas works, reservoirs, misc: Well (in High Street), named wells, Filter Bed; 'Chimney base to Summit 329 Ft.' noted at Edinburgh Gas Works (north side of Canongate).
Places of Worship:
shown comprehensively: Piers in churches.
Public buildings:
town hall/administrative, customs, police, Parliament, internal revenue: Public building interiors usually given.
jails/reformatories: [With indications of cells in Edinburgh Prison].
Defence and military:
barracks, castles/forts/batteries, magazines/arsenals, rifle ranges, drill halls: At Edinburgh Castle and Piershill Barracks 'appropriations' are given, unlike for the general run of 'public buildings'.
Welfare and charitable:
blind, deaf & dumb, dispensaries, hospitals, infirmaries, orphanages, workhouses, misc: Female Asylum for Incurables, John Watson's Institution, Edinr. Industrial Brigade Home, Reformatory (Girls), Magdalene Asylum. Some appropriations at New Craig House [asylum, though not explicitly described thus here] and Royal Edinburgh Asylum.
Education and academic:
schools, further educational/colleges, observatories
Markets and exchanges:
bazaars, exchanges, markets, misc: [Horse bazaars]; pens in Cattle Market.
Recreation and sports venues:
race courses, sports grounds, recreation grounds
Public/administrative boundaries:
borough, Parish, Ward, misc: Registration districts: these have to be inferred from the table, bottom right.
Known copies of map:
RGS MR Scotland S/S.14 [515587] [sheet 8 only, recd 22:10:85]; BLML Maps 19.e.16, BOL C18:45 Edinburgh a.1, CUL Atlas.2.89.2, Edinburgh Library fYDA 1828.891 [10296, 42764], NLS EMS.b.3.12 [1891: 12-sheet version];
chemicals, distilling, engineering, food/drink, glass, ship yards, oil/soap etc, paper/print, rope walk, furniture/pottery, textiles, warehousing, timber, abbatoirs, uncertain, misc: Skinnery, Laundry, Steam Laundry, Marble & Slate Works, Paint & Colour Works, Coach Manufactory, Sail Cloth, Glue, [Great Northern Depository], Steam Mills, Works; [Slaughter Houses with internal divisions; warehouses and Spirit Stores].
routes, goods depots, motive power depots, named, turntables, rails, passenger stations, misc: Passenger running lines solid black; Booking Offices and railway offices noted.
River and foreshore features:
foreshore, foreshore material specified, misc: Highest point to which tides flow noted.
Leisure and entertainment:
baths/spa, riding schools, public halls, theatres, etc, museums, libraries/newsrooms, art galleries
botanic gardens, public parks, private parks and ornamental ground: Public ones are tinted green; 'Herbaceous Plants' and 'Spring Bulbs' areas noted at Royal Botanic Gardens; Band Stand, Sun Dial; Queen Mary's Bath, Queen Mary's Sun Dial.
Service and professional:
banks, insurance offices, newspaper offices
Various: in hairline Roman.
shown, curling ponds, misc: Craiglockhart Safety Ponds.
Clubs and societies:
Conservative, Freemasons, Oddfellows, unspecified, learned societies, trade and livery company halls
prominent hills: [Calton Hill and castle hill: includes rock-drawing, as does Arthur's Seat area].
decorative: Abstract-leafy, round outer border only: designed for continuous mounting.
Extractive activity:
quarries/pits: Also Old Quarry. Some quarries have type of rock noted.
memorials, Monuments, statues: A small shaded circle in the appropriate place might be the Greyfriars Bobby memorial. (Question: do dogs inspire cartographic silences??)
Post and telegraphs:
post offices
Miscellaneous service buildings:
[Royal Stables].
Foot/bridle ways:
shown: Arthurs Seat area only.
Agricultural and animal-keeping:
pig-keeping: [Piggery: with numerous minutely-engraved pens].
shown: Chamber-tombs apparent in several burial grounds.
Retail activity:
publisher of map: [Edinburgh Geographical Institute].
Street tramways:
routes shown
Other land-uses & land-cover:
heath/uncultivated: On part of Arthurs Seat only.
Stated measuerments:
contours, spot heights, other: Contours on Arthur's Seat only; a few loch surface levels; altitudes above mean sea level.
Tenement boundaries group:
apparently fairly complete
Ordnance Survey's
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