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This Catalogue of British Town Maps locates town maps extant in UK public archives and libraries. It provides details of almost 8,000 maps and provides for each the key cartographical and other features and the location of publicly-accessible exemplars. Associated with each catalogue entry is a PDF image outlining the area covered by the map. Catalogue information is available from a straightforward and easily searchable user interface. For ease of access the maps are also searchable via a simple Google maps search function.

The page allows you to identify particular town maps by browsing the catalogue of all the urban maps known to be extant and available at the time the fieldwork for this project was undertaken. You can search by any or all combinations of Historic county, Place or a Year range (YYYY-YYYY). The Historic county and Place fields will auto-complete as you type. The CBTM reference numbers can be obtained from the index of the printed book: Roger J. P. Kain and Richard R. Oliver, The Town Maps of Britain. Once you have entered your criteria click on the search button. You can also browse maps via the Google Maps display on the homepage of this website.